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Difference On Sex Doll Standing Feet

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Difference On Sex Doll Standing Feet

Upon the initial purchase of a sex doll, the standing feet option might catch your attention, prompting questions about its functionality, proper usage, and suitable style for your preferences.


Understanding the Standing Foot Option: Given the soft elasticity of TPE and silicone, a standard sex doll lacks the ability to stand independently due to the absence of supportive foot bones. The outer layer of silicone or TPE cannot offer stable support, leading to instability. The standing foot option addresses this by incorporating three metal bolt heads as extensions of the frame, providing the necessary support for the doll to stand during photography, intimate encounters, or storage.


The Purpose of Standing Feet: Sex dolls lack the inherent ability to balance like real individuals. The metal bolt heads at the bottom function as support but aren't inherently stable. To maintain the doll standing, it's advisable to lean it against a wall or another surface for balance. This process requires adjustments to find the optimal balance.



Choose the standing feet option if you intend to store the doll upright, engage in standing activities, or use the doll as a model.

Types of Bolt Stands:

  1. No Fixing Bolts: Suitable for those who prefer softer feet. Three screws are installed on the sole during manufacturing, creating a seamless standing foot without exposed bolts.

  2. Stand with Screws/Bolts: The common standing method, featuring three screws or bolts at the bottom of each foot. Weight is transferred through these screws, reducing damage to the silicone or TPE soles.

Understanding Hard Feet: An innovation seen in current silicone dolls, hard feet play a crucial role in stability and mobility. Unlike ordinary dolls requiring exposed screws, hard feet provide a polished appearance and increased stability for challenging poses.


Advantages of Hard Feet:

  1. Increased Stability: Hard feet offer enhanced stability, enabling the doll to stand without additional support, crucial for realistic and dynamic poses during photography.

  2. Long Service Life: Greater durability and longevity compared to soft feet, maintaining shape and stability even with regular use.

  3. Enhanced Realism: Hard feet contribute to the overall realism of the doll, providing a stable base for natural movement and positioning.

When engaging in standing movements, it's recommended to place the doll barefoot on the ground with a soft cloth under the soles. If using shoes, consider extra pairs of socks or hard insoles to prevent damage. Leather insoles or stockings can also be used for protection.

Should You Opt for the Standing Foot Option? For those with a foot fetish or a preference for a flawless aesthetic, the presence of screws at the bottom might compromise the overall appearance of the foot. If prolonged standing isn't a requirement, the non-standing foot option (regular feet) is the preferred choice.

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